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Spicer Ceramics


From a young age I have always been interested in creating and making things, whether it be a series of hand-drawn houses that my sister and I would join together to make a whole street, or baking a cake with my grandma for a family birthday, the list goes on. Now, I can see how all these little things helped shape what I am doing today. 


Born and raised in South Ayrshire, I have always been near the sea-side. It seems only inevitable that my ceramic work is inspired by the Scottish coast and the shapes and textures found there. I collect stones so that I can make moulds from them and use this to shape some of my work. 


The two main methods I use to work the clay currently is throwing and hand-building. Both are very different, throwing is fast, whereas hand-building is a slower more forgiving way of working. I like the contrast of both alongside each other and it gives me the freedom to explore. 


I make all of my work by hand, and each step is completed by myself, from the ball of clay to wrapping the finished piece. If you are looking for a hand-crafted piece of ceramic inspired by the coast, created in a little studio in Ayrshire, then you are in the right place. Each of my pieces are unique and one of a kind, small batch produced. 




BA (hons) Three Dimensional Design with Ceramics,  Grays School of Art  

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